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Meet Bob Good A Vocal Republican Representative From Virginia

Meet Bob Good: A Vocal Republican Representative from Virginia

Early Life and Political Career

Robert George "Bob" Good, born on September 11, 1965, is an American politician from Virginia. A staunch Republican, Good has been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 2021.

Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus

Good is known for his conservative views and is currently the chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of hardline conservative Republicans.

Cease-and-Desist Letter from Trump's Attorneys

In August 2023, Good received a cease-and-desist letter from former President Donald Trump's attorneys, ordering him to stop using Trump's name and image in fundraising materials. The letter claimed that Good had violated Trump's trademarks by using his likeness without permission.

Codification of Trump-Era Immigration Policy

During National Police Week, Good re-introduced legislation to codify a Trump-era policy known as "Remain in Mexico." This policy required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases were processed in U.S. courts.

Freedom Caucus Chairmanship Election

In June 2023, Good faced opposition from within the House Freedom Caucus during the chairmanship election. Members of the board pressed him on his commitment to the group's conservative principles, particularly in light of his past votes that deviated from those principles.

Key Policy Positions

  • Supports the Second Amendment and opposes gun control measures.
  • Opposes abortion and supports pro-life legislation.
  • Favors lower taxes and reduced government spending.
  • Supports increased border security and strict immigration enforcement.
